This year we are opening up our space and inviting in Danielle Lithwick.
Danielle has an M.A. in Counselling Psychology and is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor in Ottawa, ON Canada. She provides home-based fitness coaching and intuitive eating coaching services, both in person and online. With over a decade of combined education and experience in nutrition, yoga, psychology, addiction counselling, mindfulness, fitness training, and intuitive eating, she believes that how we move and how we eat should nourish not only our bodies but also our minds. Knowing that Intuitive Eating has helped thousands of people, including herself, make peace with food and their body, her mission is to teach people how to approach their health, the simpler and saner way. Learn more about her here.
A cozy and casual gathering, where you’ll learn more about the benefits and process of becoming an Intuitive Eater and more details about the next Intuitive Eating 12-Week Group Coaching Program. Meet Danielle Lithwick in-person, Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and group facilitator, and get all your questions answered!
Please come if you’re interested in the upcoming group, future groups or just curious about Intuitive Eating and how it can help you ditch the diet mentality for good.
All are welcome!
This event is free, but still requires registration. Please register through link provided.
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating is a non-diet, research-based model of eating and health, developed by registered dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in the mid-90s (over 90 research studies to-date). It was developed from the facts that weight-loss diets are not effective and sustainable for most people in the long-run, and that chronic dieting behaviours may actually have negative health effects, both physically and psychologically.
Intuitive Eating teaches you:
Why diets don’t work and how to stop obsessing about food and your weight.
How to tune into your inner body wisdom, including your internal body cues of hunger and fullness.
How to eat foods that nourish and satisfy you.
How to eat ALL foods without guilt or shame.
How to trust yourself with your food choices and health behaviours.
How to feel better in your body at any weight or size.
How to find joy in exercise and fitness.
A truly integrated approach to health – including your physical, mental & emotional well-being.
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