Fascial Connections Myofascial Release & Wellness Centre offers a number of different modalities in order to truly encompass our total health approach in Mind, Body and Spirit.
Fascial Connections is a SAFE SPACE for everyone!
As a new client, we want you to feel comfortable in your surroundings.
New to Myofascial Release? Here’s what to expect.
Whether you are the simplest or most complex case we are here for you, treating the whole you, not just your symptoms. Each therapist will encourage you, the client, to tune in to the treatment and your body by being quiet and focusing on what you are feeling.
Myofascial Release treatments are done in shorts, a comfortable tank top and/or sports bra/bathing suit top. If you forget to bring these items, no problem, considerations will be taken. It is safe, and does not involve machines, oils/creams or drugs. It is the only form of therapy that addresses all elements of the connective tissue. It is applied anywhere on the body to address tightness, tension, pain and other symptoms.
What is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is a therapeutic hands-on treatment of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, muscles, connective tissue (fascia), tendons, ligaments and joints. Using the knowledge of anatomy and physiology our therapists combine traditional Swedish massage and modern Massage Therapy techniques to treat you the client.
Massage Therapy helps to optimize the health and well being of patients by affecting the muscular, nervous and circulatory system; maintaining and improving physical function; and relieving or preventing pain and physical dysfunction. Whether you are coming for an acute/chronic condition or for preventative reasons, massage is a great solution.
What is a Lymphedema Therapy?
Lymphedema Therapy is called Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) [also known as Combined/Complex Decongestive Therapy/Physiotherapy]. CDT is considered the gold standard of treatment for lymphedema. Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CDT for improving lymphedema symptoms such as swelling and pain. CDT is adapted to each unique case and individuals may benefit from some or all of the treatment elements.
Traditional CDT consists of two phases: Phase 1 = Decongestion and Phase 2 = Maintenance.
The following four components are applied in both phases:
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage – gentle massage technique that stimulates flow of lymphatic fluid and helps reduce symptoms
- Compression Therapy – supports lymphatic system by helping to encourage fluid out of the tissues and keeps further build-up to a minimum
- Exercise – individually prescribed exercises to improve lymph drainage together with compression therapy
- Self-Care – risk reduction practices including proper skin, nail, and wound care, lifestyle advice, etc.
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a holistic, patient-centred form of manual therapy, founded on the interrelationship of structure and function within the human body. This form of manual therapy is typically used to treat a variety of conditions while considering all systems of the body; musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, neurological, cranial and visceral. A healthy state occurs when balance is achieved between and within all systems.
Osteopathy involves an extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics to assess the patient as a whole, instead of just treating the area in which symptoms are present. Manual osteopaths use a variety of techniques, including musculoskeletal joint mobilizations, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue therapy, visceral manipulation, and myofascial release.
Osteopathy has many benefits and can treat many common conditions with a gentle, hands-on method. Osteopathy can be an excellent treatment for chronic neck or low back pain, sciatica, headaches and migraines, muscle tightness and soreness, improving flexibility and stability, and many more!
What is Integral Coaching® all about?
Integral Coaching® is a style of coaching that embraces everything; literally every understanding of life, every aspect of human individuality and culture can be held within an Integral Approach. In order to be an Integral Coach® one has to have an embodied understanding of the Integral Approach and be living an Integral lifestyle. The Integral Approach allows me to look at all areas of your life and understand how they all are connected and influence each other. In other words, Integral provides a means to take all aspects of you into account. No part of you is left out, even paradoxes and conflicting aspects of your self are essential within this work. The great benefit to this is, since no aspect of your life is neglected, when you start working towards your goals, your entirety is taken into account, and all of you sustainably moves in the direction of your desires.
More about Integral Coaching with Elizabeth can be found on the Integral Coaching page.